Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gregory's Attitude Is A Problem

Verne Gay speculates on MTP in Newsday. He wants Brokaw as temporary host (which makes all kinds of sense); he narrows down permanent options to Gwen Ifill and Gregory. After talking up Ifill, he says she is not an option ... because she hosts "Washington Week." That's right, "Washington Week." On PBS. Sorry, I'm not buying that. 

Meanwhile, Gay admits that nobody likes Gregory is completely unlikeable, but sides with him anyways because he was able to yell at McClellan. 

Let me ask one question: when did Russert ever yell at a guest? Likeability is a huge part of a host. And Russert's ability was not grounded in his ability to take a tough stand on asking first questions, but asking great followup questions and not accepting spin from people who should be prepared. Picking ten seconds from Gregory's entire career does not demonstrate that skill at all. We've watched him. We watch White House Press Briefings for fun. We've suffered through the insufferable show of his on MSNBC. And we don't want to have to put the nation through that. Despite the fact that sometimes his attitude can be used for good. It's a giant negative on the whole. 

The speculation about Luke Russert is absurd (we hate nepotism here at DGSNBHOMTP. Wow, that's an inefficient abbreviation.), but even he would be a better choice than Gregory. 

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