Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gregory Not In Running for MTP?

Positive news MTPers! 

Variety is reporting inside news that it is unlikely that any MSNBC personality would be the one to fill Tim Russert's seat on Meet the Press. That is good news indeed. (Chris Matthews would also be a terrible choice. Morning Joe is actually really good, but Joe Scarborough is a better fit in that format than in any sort of formal setting; Scarborough Country was mind numbingly boring.)

Bradley Freedman differentiates Tim Russert from David Gregory; Russert wasn't shamelessly self-promoting himself like Gregory does. 

Doug Patton scoffs at Gregory, calling him "preening."

Escott Jones prefers Gwen Ifill to Gregory; he complains about Gregory 'campaigning' for the post.

Viva Chuck Todd admits they are biased but says about Gregory that "what echoes constantly when Gregory's name is brought up is his elite arrogance and cozy relationships he shares with key political figures sometimes skewing his objectivity."

You don't say?

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